Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Necessity of Teaching Science & Technology in our Madaris: Science & Sectarianism


In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and Merciful.

Science & Sectarianism

Sectarianism is a big issue in Pakistan, and I don’t want to go into its negative ramifications, we are all aware of it. I, along with few other people, started a yearlong software development course for ulema (graduates of our seminaries) in 2017. Details of this course are available at  During these years I became acquainted with hundreds of ulema from all over Pakistan belonging to different sects and madaris (seminaries). The program requires a certain level of English and math. My initial presumption was that since these ulema deal with complex calculations involving laws of inheritance they will have the required math skills necessary for our program. But I was disappointed to find out that a good portion of them could not calculate the average of the two numbers.